
Ac 130 battlefield 4
Ac 130 battlefield 4

ac 130 battlefield 4

Though the AC-130 doesn't have any hard mounted front facing guns such as 50cals or turrets. Because Its Low speed makes it easy prey for the average Jet Fighter, the addition of flares (I believe most of us in the WT community would love to see this anyway) could protect the AC130 from guided munitions, forcing the enemy aircraft to engage with line of sight guns/cannons.

ac 130 battlefield 4

Though it's biggest weaknesses are it's lack of offensive guns, guided rockets could be added on as a modification to help it score aerial kills. The circular flight pattern allows the AC130's guns to go to work on Pillboxes, Tanks, Bridges, and possibly bases if arrangements can be made. The AC130 wouldn't be out of place in it's attacker role in Air Battles either. It is for this reason that I believe the AC130 wouldn't be terribly difficult to balance either.

ac 130 battlefield 4

Though the 105mm Howitzer may pose as quite the headache for the target, it should be mentioned that while the AC130 is well armed for sure, it is not exceptionally fast, making it relatively easy prey for SPAA, Helicopters, Jet and Propeller Fighters alike.

ac 130 battlefield 4

Now, all of the AC130's weapons are mounted on the same side of the aircraft making it perfect for vehicle spotting or focus firing to take down a high value target. I primarily see this aircraft flying in circular patterns around whatever map it finds itself on as a lingering air support vehicle for it's team. For the sake of argument, this entry is specifically going to discuss the AC-130 Gunship as I see that version specifically as the most useful in game. Though I don't know of any major competitor aircraft for the C-130 other than the Russian AN-12 which even still I don't know much about it, I have confidence that some aircraft will come along to be it's rival at some point. This plane would specifically be added to the American Tech Tree, and an argument could be made to extend it's reach to that of the British Tech Tree as well. The C-130 line of aircraft, namely the AC-130 Gunship can be a great addition to War Thunder.

Ac 130 battlefield 4