I installed the original game from my DVD and activated it with the CD-key, no problem. Now, a few years later, with Inquisition coming out soon (hopefully) I want to replay the game. When the Awakening DLC came out I bought that too. Development has been taken over by Loobinex and a few others.You see, I bought Dragon Age: Origins Collector's Edition back in the day. This was because the original developer, mefistotelis, has left the project and does not plan to return. The ‘Unofficial’ edition has been discontinued since version 0.4.8 and merged into the official branch. Is there an unofficial version of Dungeon Keeper? Set six months after the events of Dragon Age: Origins in the land of Amaranthine, Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening places the player in the role of a Grey Warden trying to rebuild the order while also dealing with political matters as the Arl of Amaranthine. Where does Dragon Age Origins Awakening take place? They are not thought of as rulers, however. A Keeper is a leader of the clan in both the spiritual sense, as well as the literal. Concept art of a Dalish Keeper from Heroes of Dragon Age. Keeper is the leader of a Dalish clan as well as one of the specializations available to the mage class in Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening. The Awakening expansion pack must be played separately as those events take place after origins. To clarify, the DLC can be played side by side with the original Dragon Age: Origins.

When you view your map, the DLC will unlock a few places that you can visit at anytime. Can you play The Awakening DLC with the original? Sure, there’s crossover between all of the games, but you aren’t going to be completely out of the loop if you start with Dragon Age: Inquisition. While I do think there is a lot of value in going back and playing those Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2, you don’t need to play them before diving into Inquisition.

Unfortunately, there are no romance options in Awakening, which makes us rather sad because there’s a ton of great new characters for your party. If you find it boring, then it’s probably not worth it. I’d say it’s very beneficial to play Awakening since it introduces one of the very key characters that appear in DA2 and it helps to know his story pre-DA2.